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トータルアイ検査は「目環境チェック」「眼鏡力チェック」「目体力チェック」「目年齢チェック」の4つの項目に分けることで、様々な視点から行う測定です。最新の測定機材を使用し、新しく誕生した国家検定である「眼鏡作製技能士」をはじめ当社独自の研修制度をクリアした専門スタッフがお客様の最適なメガネ作りのお手伝いをさせていただきます。 ↓ 「詳細」ボタンから今すぐチェック ↓ The total eye test is a measurement that is performed from various viewpoints by dividing it into four items: ""eye environment check,"" ""eyeglass ability check,"" ""eye physical strength check,"" and ""eye age check."" Using the latest measurement equipment, our professional staff who have completed our own training system, including the newly created national certification for ``Eyeglass Fabrication Technician,'' will help you create the perfect glasses for you. ↓ Check it now from the ""Details"" button ↓
