店舗検索 | メガネスーパー



「メガネや補聴器をしたいけど…なかなか店舗まで行けない😢」 そんなお客様へ、メガネと補聴器の出張訪問サービスのご案内です🚘 ベテランスタッフが出張訪問用の専用機材を乗せた車で ご自宅やご指定の場所に訪問し視力・聴力測定から販売・ご調整まで トータルサービスをご提供致します! ↓「詳細」ボタンから今すぐチェック↓ I want to wear glasses and hearing aids... but I can't go to the store 😢" For those customers, here is a guide to the visit service for glasses and hearing aids 🚘 Veteran staff in a car with special equipment for business trips We visit your home or a designated place to measure your eyesight and hearing, and then to sell and adjust it for you. We provide total service! ↓ Check now from the "details" button ↓
