まだまだ眩しさが厳しい季節には、度付きサングラスや偏光レンズ。 手元が見えづらい方へは、1本で2役こなす遠近両用レンズ。 詳しい視力測定で、パーソナルに合わせたレンズと快適なメガネフレームをご提案します。 ↓「詳細」ボタンから今すぐチェック↓ Prescription sunglasses and polarized lenses are recommended for seasons when glare is still severe. For those who have difficulty seeing at hand, bifocal lenses can serve two purposes. After a detailed vision test, we will recommend lenses and comfortable eyeglass frames that are tailored to your individual needs. ↓Check it now by clicking the “Details” button↓